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Writer's pictureDave Rodriguez

The Journey

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” -Hebrews 11:1 NIV In an age of technology it would seem possible that life should be simpler. If we get lost, we pull out our GPS, if we need a phone number, we speak into a phone or give a command. If we have a question, we “Google it”. If we want to learn how to do something new such as household repairs, or take voice lessons we go to You Tube and watch a dozen videos on the topic we are researching. In the midst of what would seem like a simplified society, people seem to be more lost than ever. Brokenness, hopelessness, and disillusionment are all around us. No matter how we try to figure life out, or no matter how we try to simplify our lives, we all are still hurting and continue to deal with bad things going on in the world every day. Sometimes I wish I could say a command, or type in a phrase in my computer and find the solution for the world’s problems. Unfortunately, the solution cannot be found in our ingenuity, or in our good works. History proves to us that men do good and evil and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. In the book of Hebrews we read an account about the saints, or pillars in the Jewish faith. In Christian circles we would refer to these characters and teach lessons on how they had astounding faith to overcome all their odds. We would learn about the stories but we would never connect it personally and practically to our lives. When I read the stories of Noah, Cain, Abel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, all the way up to the early Disciples, and then the Apostles, I have to consider whether their lives were that much different than mine. In their day they didn’t have to deal with the globalization of world markets, computers, nor many of our modern ways of living. It would seem like their simpler way of life should have been easier. History teaches us though that they also dealt with many harshness of life that many of us today do not need to face. Some fought in wars, lost loved ones, had dysfunction within their families. Some were wronged by other people groups, and adversity seemed to be everywhere, yet as we delve past the superficial, we find that though life was difficult they were not defined by the adversity, or circumstances. In their trials and pains they had a hope and faith in God. They might have grown weary and tired and even messed up at times, but through their journeys on this earth God would show up and meet them. Each time they realized what God was doing in their lives it would bring encouragement and belief. Faith began to grow and an overcoming, persevering, determination would arise. Boldness was instilled as they realized with certainty that in their Journey on this Earth God, Elohim, the Great and Mighty God was with them. At times I wish I could GPS the directions for my life. I would love to map out me and my families lives, but I know that it would take little faith if I could do that. Adversity and the realities of this world have come against me throughout my Journey, but with that being said I can look over my journey thus far and I can remember beyond the realm of coincidence and the obscure little things of life that God was and is always with me. The big times of breakthrough when I was desperate and God showed up continues to strengthen my faith and remind me that I do not walk this life alone. Disillusionment, anxiety, fear and frustration might be present, but faith builds a confidence and helps me believe in His promises, even though I could not see the final outcome. Wherever you may be in your Journey, I want you to know that God loves you, He is reaching out to you today (John 3:16-17). God understands what you may be feeling, and He wants to remind you that He is with you in your “Journey of life” (1 Chronicles 28:9; Hebrews 4:15). “Say with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord.” Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. Then you will be saved. With your heart you believe and are made right with God. With your mouth you say that Jesus is Lord. And so you are saved. Scripture says, “The one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.” -Isaiah 28:16; Rom 10:9-11 NIV

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