Playing video games now a days is getting more and more challenging, not to date myself but I remember the days of Colleco vision and Atari, the controller had 2-3 buttons. Anyway, my 5 year old loves sports he is all about it, football, baseball, hockey, it doesn’t matter. Well his older brothers are all into Madden football so when they play, he wants to play. One evening the Rodriguez Men were playing the Super Bowl of games and my 5 year old was on my team. The exuberance was all over his face, and he couldn’t sit still. While we were playing he started to get mad because he really didn’t know what he was doing. I as the Dad of Dad’s said let me show you and help you learn how to play. He then got frustrated some more and ignored any direction I gave him. When he did listen it was because I repeated myself 200 times, OK maybe it was only 20 times. I am reminded of the disciples in Luke 11:1 when they asked Jesus “Lord teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” The disciples were living life out with this teacher that continually brought revelation to their lives. They wanted to know more and the hungered to be taught. They might have had an understanding of the scriptures, the law and the teacher but they desired to learn more. They were teachable, and pursued learning. My 5 year old wanted to play and even asked to be taught but in the midst of life and the current events that were consuming his attention he ignored the directions that were being given to him. I ponder these thought at times when it comes to my life and the church. Do we hunger after learning and are we teachable. Do we submit to the Lord and ask him to teach us? I guess it is more than even that, are we able to accept the fact that we may not know it all? and we need to be taught. He teaches us through his Spirit Empowered Word, Spirit Empowered Prayer and Leadership. In conclusion, Learn how to Live Life to the Fullest, Pursue learning, Prioritize your Development as a Christ Follower and see life on a whole new LEVEL.